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Leadership in a Non-Profit Organization

Time limit: 30 days
0.5 credits

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Full course description

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Define leadership and explain its importance
  • Distinguish between some of the better-known leadership theories (Fieldler's contingency theory, Path-goal theory, Vroom-Yetton-Jago theory)
  • Distinguish leadership from management and administration
  • Explain the role of ethics in leadership
  • Identify the benefits and drawbacks surrounding charismatic leadership
  • Recognize the importance of training, learning, and role-playing in leadership
  • Describe the impending leadership shortage in the nonprofit sector and discuss possible solutions to the problem
  • Discuss the seven bases for leadership
  • Explain why formal authority alone does not guarantee leadership
  • Explain leadership issues that are especially important in the nonprofit environment
  • Discuss the nine key qualities for leadership
  • Describe the leadership qualities that nonprofit leaders feel are important for success
  • Identify the five central skills needed for effective leadership and explain ways to strengthen or develop those skills in a leader